Hai guys ! Salam Ramadan..
dah lebih setahun hoii tak update blog so here i am..
sebab kenapa tiba2 subuh buta ni mahu meng"update" blog?
sebab mahu melakukan sesi curhat di sini..
kalau dekat facebook or twitter terlalu public rasanya so aku luangkan masa menaip :p
okay, let us start !
as i've told you in my previous post, i'm now a student in UITM S.Alam,
taking Applied Chemistry.. mmg unexpected sebab tak pernah suka kimia !
but, sudah dapat and now alhamdulillah i'm into my 4th sem already..
well, practically almost sebab skg cuti sem kot..
apa yang aku mau luahkan is that sometimes u expect things to turn out well,
but mostly, it turns upside down..
mcm my life dekat S.Alam.. i've met many awesome people..
and also.. urmmm.. tak tahu nak ckp mcm mana but.. ntahlah...
Among them was one person that i called "Palat"
well,practically he's like my best pal in S.Alam.. he knew parts of me that people don't..
and same goes to me.. kitorang kongsi every details of our life and there is no secret between us..
jadi dia dah kira like my twin, itu orang ckp but he is totally the opposite of me..
aku dark skin,tall,chubby and not very athletic,pemalas nak mampus..
but he has fair skin,short,athletic and tersangatla rajin ..
and u know what, i don't really watch football but he's crazy about it..
tapi dah jadi rapatkan..
dlu kami sebelah bilik waktu dekat kolej and after that guess what?
aku menyewa blok bersebelahan dengan dia ! coincidence or what?
so,aku tumpang dia ke kelas naik motor jadi kitorang share almost everything..
to the point study sama every night including weekends !!
bersyukur sangat2 dapat berkenalan dengan dia hoiiii...
oh well, mcm malas mau sambung.. belum tidur dari semalam..
tp aku akan pastikan lepas ni i'll be updating my blog frequently !
jangan lupa puasa guys !
Lama tidak meng"update" kan blog aku ne.. lately busy sesangat..oh ya, aku dah pindah U dah, sekarang aku officially pelajar UITM Shah Alam,jurusan Kimia Gunaan, FSG di main campus ne.. hehehe.kehidupan di sini okaylaa..susah memang susah terutamanya kelainan bahasa..tapi aku dapat jgaklaa menyesuaikan semua masalah bahasa ne..kekangan bahasa tidak menjadi penghalang untuk aku bergelar Mahasiswa di sini...Chheeewwwaaahhh !bermadah la pulak budak kimia ne kan? :palaaa... bukan selalu..lately, aku dah banyak problem especially when it comes to my family..it's not like it's their fault as this thing arose as a result of my behavior during my life here..but, as a matter of fact, i quite enjoy life here.. but missing home is a part that keeps me stronger each day..okayy, banyak benda aku nak cerita, but this week sesangat busy weyh ! ahahahtill next time..XOXO ~